Thursday, July 23, 2015

Coming of Age as a Traveler

Sandro Bottilcelli
Three Miracles of Saint Zenobius, 1500
Sandro Bottilcelli
Venus and Mars, 1485

 This painting is a great piece of work that describes a scene comparable to that of Lucy and George in Piazza Signoria. Just as demons are flying out of the man in this photo, the Edwardian standards and thoughts fly out of Lucy.

This painting shows the exaggerated ideas of both masculinity and femininity that Lucy and George may have been surrounded by. Here, Mars is exhausted from love just as George was after his second kiss with Lucy.

JMW Turner
Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, 1832
In this painting, Turner is illustrating the world he sees through literature; he is able to transport himself to other places through fictitious stories. in comparison, Lucy transports herself to other places through less exciting books like her Baedeker.

London from Greenwich Park, 1809
In this painting Turner plays with the use of shading and creates natural light within the painting. This painting in particular is not as lively as his painting set in Rome, showing how feelings differ from place to place. Similarly,  Lucy seems to feel more like herself in Florence rather than her home.
View from the Thames boat ride: Tate to Tate
I took this photo as We were traveling along the Thames from one Tate Museum to the other. I imagined how Lucy must have felt as we were on the boat. It was such a freeing and exhilarating feeling to know that I was embarking on an adventure all on my own. For the first time, I was traveling without my parents just as Lucy did.


  1. Sela, you did a great job interpreting the themes in class this week! I particularly like your unique interpretations of the Turner paintings.

  2. Awesome picture of the Thames boat ride. I like how you connected your experience here to the main character of the novel.
    Also, you're so independent and adventurous, Patty would be proud.

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  5. I loved your analysis of Sandro Bottilcelli "Venus and Mars" and how you related that to Lucy and George. You did a great job explaining that in class, so I am so glad you included that photo here. Way to go!

  6. I love how you related George's exhaustion to Bottecelli's "Mars and Venus." He was adamant in his pursuit of Lucy, so I can imagine his full body relief after she chose to be with him. Great job noticing the similarities in emotion.

  7. The last photo that you included perfectly sums up the week three topic of "Coming of Age as a Traveler". I also love how you connected Lucy's situation with a person story of your own, love it!

  8. Such wonderful connections, Sela. You're really seeing things on your site visits that are revealing richness to your literary analysis, too. Well done!
