Thursday, July 9, 2015

Coming of Age as a Worker

Emma Brownlow
Taking Leave, 1868
Oil on Canvas
The Foundling Museum

Handmade Modern Token
The Foundling Museum 

19th Century Drawing Room
Geffrye Museum for Interior Design 

John Everett Millais
Mariana, 1851
Oil on Mahogany
Tate Britain

William Holman Hunt
Claudio and Isabella, 1850
Oil on Mahogany
Tate Britain 


  1. These paintings look esp arresting against the dark backdrop to your blog. Be sure to say a little more, in the future, about each image. Your captions should be more than simply the title of each work -- say how each image connects to the themes we're tracking and how it helps you understand the novel we're studying.

  2. I didn't see the handmade modern token in person at the Foundling Museum, but I love that you took a picture of it. That really shows how the public's view of orphans has shifted through the years.

  3. I love the quote on the handmade token in your picture. It sounds like something a mother would say after leaving her child at the Foundling Hospital. Although as depressing as the situation might have seen at the time, the Hospital gave orphans the chance to have courage and to become something more.
