Friday, July 31, 2015

Coming of Age as a Writer

Magna Carta Exhibition: British Library
FDR & Winston Churchill 

I did not realize just how influential the Magna Carta had been in founding the documents that made our very own country. This photo of two great leaders really grabbed my attention at the exhibition. I thought it was a great example of how one great document can unify and inspire people all over the world. The writings of one can inspire the actions of nations.
Description for Humber Staff Car: Imperial War Museum 
I loved this description of one of the automobiles situated in the Imperial War Museum. I thought it was a great example of people's determination to keep traditions of home alive, even in foreign places. This reminded me of some of the things that Robbie might have missed while he was away at war.

Thoughts on England and war preparation: Imperial War Museum
Winston Churchill
This quote embodied what I imagined to be one of the mantras repeated by British officials during times of war such these. in the Imperial War Museum. The British understood that they would have to be prepared for anything; they knew that even though they may want one event to happen, another less favorable one could take its place. I imagine this is how Cecilia and Robbie felt just before he left for war. They planned to wait for each other, but they knew there would be a chance that the reunion would never happen.
Florence Nightingale's Sphere of Global Influence
Florence Nightingale Museum 
This photo shows the global impact that the Nightingale model of nursing had on the world. This shows how great writings can influence thousands of lives. I imagine that this would have been a dream of Briony.
Thoughts on voicing her opinions to male coworkers: Florence Nightingale
Florence Nightingale Museum 
This is a quote from Florence Nightingale that I fell in love with at her museum. It addresses her thoughts on the importance of voicing her opinions. She knew that she needed to write and share her knowledge. Briny wrote with a similar thought; she knew that she had to. Briony knew she was being called to the vocation of writing just as Florence was to nursing.


  1. I loved your use of quotes and descriptions as photos this week! They really allowed you to analyze the novel in even greater depth. Great job!

  2. I love the pic of Churchill and FDR! Writing is a powerful tool in every country.

  3. That Florence had a biting tongue,though,didn't she? I'm glad you called our attention to F's rhetorical skills as well as her global reach in reforming healthcare.
